Sunday, October 28, 2007

O Happy Day

Quit the sucky job at the small sucky hospital - stayed a whole 3 months.
It was SO dysfunctional - Nursing was run by people whose philosophy was to determinedly stay 15 years behind the times and never change anything EVER!! Because that would be a bad thing. Also if you weren't born and raised here on Walton's mountain you were EVIL!! I decided to leave them to it. They hated me because I pointed out inefficiencies and suggested restructuring Nursing. That went down well....
My boss (CNO) was canned a few weeks ago when Corporate finally wised up.
Latest news is the CEO has been canned too - finally... What a worthless individual - showed no interest in anything - wandered around aimlessly all day and left at 330pm. EVERY day. I think the logic there was - lets see - I can do NOTHING and make $150,000 a year - OR - I can work hard and make $150,000 a year. Door number 1!! Now he will undoubtedly go off to another hospital somewhere and pull the same crap until their Corporate notices.
However I am having a great time being off work - made a huge venison curry for a bunch of hungry deer hunters, followed by a sumptuous chocolate truffle chart.
Made pizza from scratch for SW (husband) and I tonight - goat cheese, spinach and bacon - tomato sauce base - home made also...Can highly recommend King Arthur Flour Pizza blend.
Read the whole of Head Nurse blog - superb. Jo cracks me up. Wish she worked with me at the sucky little mountain hospital - we would have cleaned it out!

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